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Childhood home tour: Day 2

I finally uploaded the right side of my house! I decided to showcase the garden when I snapped the picture, cause I couldn't resist not getting all that greenery.

We used to have two palm trees, but my uncle cut one of them down. I forget why. But I miss it, and so do my cats. They used to use that tree to get up onto the roof of the house. Now, they use a ladder inside the garage. It's not the same, though. 😕 But! I'm glad I'm getting pictures of the house now, in case anything else changes.

And that's it for day 2! I have an interview soon, so I can't write much today. Here's hoping that goes well, and that I actually upload day 3 tomorrow instead of two days later. 😅 Nevertheless, hope you enjoyed this post, and that you're enjoying the tour overall.

I will see you in the next post!

  • Introduction: Done ☑
  • Day 1: Outside Picture Series - Starting with the front side of the house - Done ☑
  • Day 2: Right side - Done ☑
  • Day 3: Left side
  • Day 4: Back side
  • Day 5: The backyard
  • Day 6: My old swing set
  • Day 7: My old trampoline
  • Day 8: Inside Picture Series - Starting with the kitchen
  • Day 9: Living room
  • Day 10: My dog's "beds"
  • Day 11: The front door
  • Day 12: Hallway #1
  • Day 13: My dad's room
  • Day 14: The TV room
  • Day 15: The library
  • Day 16: The fireplace
  • Day 17: A peak at my uncle's room
  • Day 18: Hallway #2
  • Day 19: My room
  • Day 20: My closet
  • Day 21: Storage places


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